K Mataōtama Strohl (They/Them)

K is an award-winning consultant, coach, writer, speaker, curator of an online community and host of two popular podcasts.

Know Your Worth w/ Mark Travis Rivera

Knowing your worth means not taking that pay cut, because what you perceive to be a good opportunity, or what you might think is a pivot in your career, we always talk about pivoting our careers as a way, as a means to, like, make a sacrifice. Y'all, I'm not sacrificing anything for a job, right? Like I Yes, I'm switching industries. I'm not switching my knowledge base, my education, my experience level. That doesn't get into the pivot just because I'm switching industries, industries. But so many people have the misconception that you switch industries, that you may have to take a pay cut or build yourself up from the bottom because you're new to the industry? No, no, I'm gonna say that that's bullshit.

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Centering My Truth w/ Sam M. Huisache

No one was there to help me! This is exactly why it's so important to center your truth. Thank you so much Sam M. Huisache for reminding us of the importance and giving us clear steps on how to do so. Please remember centering your truth is the only way to live the healthiest life for you!

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Brought to Light 💡

I think now more than ever we all are being given an inside look to all around us. We are all seeing where our taxes, voices, money, effort and energy have been going and continue to go. I hope we all use this unprecedented insight to continue to demand more light in the darkness, more honesty, more acknowledgement of past wrongdoings and more accountability.

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Unfruitful Practices

In 2025 I want to spend less time begging. I understand and accept that this is a big ask. Despite understanding this, I  still want to accept that the people that could change my life through monetary contribution are not the same people that would. They are also not the people that follow my work. While capitalism is on its last leg I don’t think I’ll ever be able to “reap the benefits.” 

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My Apology Letter to DEI 📜

I first want to apologize for the possibility of my work ever being weaponized by those who cause harm. I see the way people are actively attacking DEI and fear my work may lead them to believe I align with their harmful beliefs. I do not.

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This Aint About Her 🇺🇸

People who believe in anti-Blackness aren't always able to tout their beliefs proudly and loudly. Most wait in the shadows for seemingly "justified opportunities". When these opportunities arise they run quickly to them and are loud about why Black people deserve to be dehumanized and more. Ryan Ken (@ryan_ken_acts) made a really good video of White people's reaction to Will Smith's slap and how they fantasized of an opportunity to double down on their disdain for us. I can't find it but if you do please send it to me.

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Exploitative Practices w/ the AANHPI ‘Ohana Center of Excellence

Dangling a carrot in front of somebody who is starving is exploitative. It's fucked up. It is a way to get somebody to do something that they wouldn't normally have done, because you are promising to provide something. You know that the individuals you're inviting need money, so you saying it as an incentive so that we show up is exploitative and manipulative. Don't do that.

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White Women Self-Care

The centering of Whiteness, White experiences and White feelings is excruciatingly apparent in those books. Thinness is mentioned often throughout the pieces along with the tying of monetary hoarding to success. There’s absolutely no mention of race, sexual orientation, gender beyond the binary or life outside of marriage, motherhood, business and?

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Death As A Tool of the Oppressor

In my work on psychological safety, I constantly note the needed foundations for safe relationships: trust, honesty, respect and the prioritization of safety throughout. They are all intertwined and it is almost impossible to have one without the other. Yet we see these seemingly basic human needs being dismissed by people in positions of power daily.

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The Devil Doesn’t Need An Advocate

The people that do need advocacy are the people stating the harms or bringing harms to your attention, or having a trying to have a conversation with you on how to best move forward in the relationship, and you advocating for someone who's not even a part of the relationship is telling to say the least.

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I Want A White History Month

Without space for White people to do what they need to do, we are constantly expected to hold this space and to tolerate their stunted emotional maturity around their history. I want and they need a White History Month.

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AntiBlackness, AANHPI, Culture, Psychology K Mataōtama Strohl AntiBlackness, AANHPI, Culture, Psychology K Mataōtama Strohl

Black Mixed with Black

Anti-Blackness refers to actions or behaviors that minimize, marginalize or devalue the full participation of Black people in life. The spectrum of anti-Black actions and behaviors spans from unconscious bias to motivated acts of prejudice. They include the tolerance of or indifference to the under-representation, differential success and advancement, or experience of Black people in the university.

In fact many of the people inhabiting islands within the Polynesian triangle and those who proudly call themselves People of the Pacific or Pacific Islanders first migrated from West Africa. Hell, there’s even a place called Melanesia. The White-washing of history, mass genocide and raping of local people has lead many to believe this is not true but I know y’all see the physical features the same way I do. I touched on a lot of this in my pieces Moana is Trash and The AAPI Acronym.

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Why You Shouldn't Center Fear in Policies

Fear is stifling and it also doesn't tell us what to do. No emotions tell us what to do, but without proper regulation, fear can really mess some things up, especially when we put fear at the forefront of our policy making practices, process making practices, or how we build relationships.

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