Consumerism is the snake oil, Capitalism sold us, to fill the hole it's granddaddy, White Supremacy, created. This dysfunctional family keeps pushing its way into every gathering we have. Even when we change the locks, they barge in while we're hugging our loved ones at the door. 

Quantity over quality is a characteristic of White Supremacy. This characteristic is fulfilled through so many avenues this day and age. I recently left Meta and LinkedIn. The amount of consumption and prioritization of quantity, I participated in through those mediums was egregious. All that time I spent consuming, I could have spent  with my loved ones or working within the community.

With all the global boycotts and protests, I thought I needed to consume in order to help but this is untrue. The more people I followed the less attached I became from the real people living and breathing near me.  Again, as I described in Spot the Difference, I live in a neighborhood where shopping small is easy to do. This insatiable appetite for updates on murders abroad also gave way to White Saviorism in me. I understand how important it is to be conscious of ongoing global harm but I will now be receiving these updates through my community via newsletters, town halls, community check-ins, etc.

In this next season, I will be consuming less in order to rid myself of this dysfunctional family. I love you all but will spend less time throwing huge gatherings that may allow the unruly family in. Many believe we need these dangerous venues to continue this work but drinking poison in hopes of it being an antidote is insane. Instead I will take example from AJ Singh and only throw these gatherings once a month. The goal is that we all rest more, consume less and spend most of our time embracing the humanity in others in real life.

I hope with this step I'm able to find peace for the hole I inherited. I hope with this step I'm able to breathe life into the community I live in. I hope with this next step I can gain an even clear vision of liberation for all. 

"I have all that I need. It is in me."

P.S. Please send any newsletter recommendations!

Here are mine:

AJ Singh

Sharon Hurley-Hall

Robin Divine

💜K is an award-winning consultant, coach, writer, speaker, curator of an online community and host of two popular podcasts.

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Know Your Worth w/ Mark Travis Rivera