K Mataōtama Strohl (They/Them) is an engaging speaker with 15+ years educating on boundaries, psychological safety, identities, intersectionality, mental health, the vocabulary needed to name harm and more. Through research, case studies, and personal anecdotes, K creates a safe space for participants to examine how they experience and engage with the world.

Popular Topics

Psychological Safety in the Workplace

In this discussion K defines psychological safety and its importance. They work with the audience to identify behaviors that undermine psychological safety while analyzing the factors that drive psychological safety. They offer solutions to barriers that cause harm and collaborate with the audience on their removal. By the end the audience will be ready to discuss ways to support psychological safety in the relationships they build on their teams. 

Boundaries and the Vocabulary Needed to Name Harm

K encourages the audience to set and respect boundaries in relationships. They dive into how boundaries create safer environments, healthier relationships and acknowledge dangerous practices. The audience is able to take new practices that center mental health and belonging. 

Identities and Intersectionality

In this discussion K defines intersectionality and identities. K uses various ways to describe intersections while ensuring the audience is aware of their own intersecting identities. By the end the audience understands the ways intersecting identities are often dismissed and are ready to embrace them instead.

K has facilitated discussions on these topics and more in various ways. From workshops, lunch and learns, podcasts, fireside chats and keynotes, K has been able to format these messages for any size audience.

“It’s rare to listen to a professional speaker that comes across as relatable as they are knowledgeable. I had the pleasure of listening to these qualities in K when they spoke. K dove deep into how to better understand individual identities and boundaries in order to create a more inclusive workplace. I was particularly impressed by K’s ability to navigate important and potentially “sensitive” topics candidly, and with sincerity, and nuance. Although this ability is rare, K has developed it masterfully. I would highly recommend K for any public speaking event where audience engagement and trust is needed!”

K Mataōtama Strohl (They/Them) works to create psychologically safer environments for people who share their identities or their lived experiences. Through research, case studies, and personal anecdotes, K creates a safe space for participants to examine how their experiences, behaviors and engagements work with the world. K is also the host of two popular podcasts, Absolutely Not! and Questions Answered, as well as the curator of a content space that shares “refreshingly genuine and educational bite sized yet profound insights and experiences.”
K is Black, Sāmoan, Queer ,Transgender and a disabled veteran. K lives with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a Substance Use Disorder. 

Pssst... if you are interested in becoming a public speaker, feel free to read this.💜


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