K Mataōtama Strohl (They/Them)
K is an award-winning consultant, coach, writer, speaker, curator of an online community and host of two popular podcasts.

Snake Oil 🐍
Consumerism is the snake oil, Capitalism sold us, to fill the hole it's granddaddy, White Supremacy, created. This dysfunctional family keeps pushing its way into every gathering we have. Even when we change the locks, they barge in while we're hugging our loved ones at the door.
Know Your Worth w/ Mark Travis Rivera
Knowing your worth means not taking that pay cut, because what you perceive to be a good opportunity, or what you might think is a pivot in your career, we always talk about pivoting our careers as a way, as a means to, like, make a sacrifice. Y'all, I'm not sacrificing anything for a job, right? Like I Yes, I'm switching industries. I'm not switching my knowledge base, my education, my experience level. That doesn't get into the pivot just because I'm switching industries, industries. But so many people have the misconception that you switch industries, that you may have to take a pay cut or build yourself up from the bottom because you're new to the industry? No, no, I'm gonna say that that's bullshit.
"Everyday" Abuse ☀️
There is a level of abuse we are all expected to accept in order to appear sane. If we don't we are shamed and ultimately left for dead.
Centering My Truth w/ Sam M. Huisache
No one was there to help me! This is exactly why it's so important to center your truth. Thank you so much Sam M. Huisache for reminding us of the importance and giving us clear steps on how to do so. Please remember centering your truth is the only way to live the healthiest life for you!
Just Jokes 🤪
One of the "coolest" parts about being Black is knowing you are hated worldwide. People are often surprised and dismissive when antiBlackness comes from someone not of European descent but the harmful behavior still needs to be addressed.
Marked Ones 👉🏾👽
Awhile ago I saw a practitioner break down how still having "marked ones" is a huge indicator that we still have so much work to do. Example the NBA and the WNBA.
Love Bombing 🥰💣
I grew up with a narcissist as my primary parent, I've worked for multiple narcissists and have even been in romantic relationships with a few. Up until recently I thought that love bombing was the only way to begin a new relationship.
Will Trauma Dump For Funds 💸
Earlier this week Obella Obbo (He/Him) made a post about LinkedIns algorithm loving trauma. This made me think of the times I’ve received the most support financially or algorithmically is when I shared all my business.
Room for Hate 🧶
I write about this a lot because I see it a lot. Where are all the blue bracelet warriors? Where are all the White women that donated millions to Kamala Harris but have suddenly run out of money for us as brimstone hails down? And before you mention Black women or the 92% promise-fuck you.
Spot the Difference
I made a video recently outlining lists of my most popular pieces and personal favorites. At the end of the video I said I would write a piece about why the lists differ so much and have no overlap. The one word answer is …
Should I Be Sharing Pronouns?
hen we share more of ourselves in any space that we are in, we create more space for people to share more of themselves,
I Am Not My Work w/ Brittany Janay
It can feel really uncomfortable when someone interprets our self-love as an affront to them. It puts us in a position where we're like, dang, why can't my love for myself and you coexist?
Eat Me 🍟
The dishonesty and ultimate charade needed to become and remain wealthy in America is now becoming more visible than ever before. These lies, that once satiated our appetites for "success" for years, have left us starving. As we starve, the rich keep demanding we eat. What should we eat?
Brought to Light 💡
I think now more than ever we all are being given an inside look to all around us. We are all seeing where our taxes, voices, money, effort and energy have been going and continue to go. I hope we all use this unprecedented insight to continue to demand more light in the darkness, more honesty, more acknowledgement of past wrongdoings and more accountability.
Unfruitful Practices
In 2025 I want to spend less time begging. I understand and accept that this is a big ask. Despite understanding this, I still want to accept that the people that could change my life through monetary contribution are not the same people that would. They are also not the people that follow my work. While capitalism is on its last leg I don’t think I’ll ever be able to “reap the benefits.”
The Same $20 🫶🏾
Love is not a finite resource and I refuse to treat it like one. I am so proud of each and every one of us who don’t. I cannot wait for the day when we all don't. 💜
None For Me, Thanks
White people find it extremely difficult to express their feelings about harm without using Black people. We are used as the props, background characters and stage whenever they try to describe dehumanization.
Long Enough 🏁🪫
When we measure abuse or harmful behavior by length of time endured rather than it's impact, we affirm the belief that everyone must endure it for an unspoken amount of time before acting.