The American Dream desperately depends on you worshiping Whiteness. 

In this worship, you must eat, drink and sleep antiBlackness. You must constantly seek the Whitest option. You must pine daily to become White, preferably a cis straight White man who hates Blackness. 

Majority of us were not born White, so to get us to pine takes extra effort from those selling the dream. It takes heaps of dishonesty. It takes lying to us and themselves, every waking second until we dream about it. Until our dreams are stunted into what they want for us. 

That White picket fence will do nothing but block us from loving one another whole heartedly. That White picket fence in that "good neighborhood" blocks us from who we really are. That White picket fence is made from the trees they would lynch us on. That White picket fence is a death sentence for me, you and us all.

This piece was inspired by Oak Cliff Gymnastics.

💜K is an award-winning consultant, coach, writer, speaker, curator of an online community and host of two popular podcasts.

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Centering My Truth w/ Sam M. Huisache


Just Jokes 🤪