The Extremely Intentional Disconnect

Sometimes I go down a thought spiral thinking about billionaires. I question how they are able to hoard so much and provide so little to those who work in their profit machine. While spiraling I always get to the same answer: it’s because of the distance and disconnect they keep so they don’t have to see the horror.

This intentional disconnect can be seen everywhere and is honestly the answer to a lot of other questions I come across in my work. Joe Cardillo (They/Them) talks often about how the lack of genuine relationships with certain people causing so many to think harmful behavior is okay and beneficial. While this is frightening to think about as a Black, Sāmoan, Queer, Trans and disabled veteran, what’s even more frightening is the amount of people who are not honest about how insidiously prevalent the intentional disconnect or distance is in all our lives.

White women will always choose White supremacy.

Specifically, White women love (luh-huv) to boast their progressiveness only to maintain the disconnect in any way possible through romantic realtionships, friendships, business deals and more. We saw this first hand when Kristen Bell, one of many celebrities who posted in support of Black Lives Matter on social media during the summer of 2020, shared a photo of her closest friends and not a single Black person could be seen. She has since disabled comments on the photo and I’m sure believes she’s done nothing wrong.

With more White women assisting in the banning of history being taught in schools, it’s not a surprise to see that some want to ban conversations on empathy as well. Because if you don’t see certain people aka other humans as humans you don’t have to treat them as such. You don’t have to pay them fairly, you don’t have to secure their human rights, you don’t even have to acknowledge their humanity. You can just continue to uphold the disconnect and reap all the benefits.

Thank you for reading through! Hi, I’m K Mataōtama Strohl (They/Them). I’d love to be able to continue to share stories like this but I need your help to be able to do so. Please visit my Ko-Fi page to tip what you can and gain access to my other work. You can learn more about me and my work at the link below.



My Existence Is Not Professional w/ Mondo Vaden (He/They)


The Kids Are Gay