K is an award-winning consultant, coach, writer, speaker, the curator of an online community and the host of two popular podcasts.
K speaks about
K writes about

K has worked with

“K brought ALL the energy. I was honored and privileged to bear witness to the truth of stories, the transformative power of self-determination, the call to action in their realness. If you want to be moved to a genuine place of empathy and agency, K is that one.”
“Working with K was beyond eye-opening. They brings a refreshing perspective to the mental health conversation, telling their story in a way that is accessible to an audience while remaining authentic.”
“K is a visionary speaker, podcast host, coach, and consultant with deep & broad expertise in healthy workplace boundaries, psychological safety, intersectionality, and employee engagement.“
“K is an extremely professional podcast host. They share insightful conversations around boundaries and mental wellness, but also practice those principles in how they facilitate the show!! They are a true role model in how we can not just talk the talk, but also do the work and live the life. “
“K's work with both individuals and leaders always starts with building relationships and organizational culture focused on respect, trust, and safety, and their unique approach to psychological safety and wellness provides a model for organizations big and small of what's possible and what a healthy work environment looks, feels, and sounds like. “
“K uses their lived experience to challenge the accepted narrative surrounding mental health. They were a pleasure to work with. I appreciate the conversation we were able to have and learned so much from them.”
If you have more questions about the services offered or would like to move forward, feel free to reach out .